Cheryl #6 Challenge Out of Africa

This was fun, and the timing was perfect! For this challenge I tried color discharging. My mom learned this technique in a class where her subject was a zebra and the results were amazing. Since she was coming to visit in early June I thought it would be fun to do something together AND get a tutorial. The discharging was a learning experience and I also had a chance to use some inks and paint for detail.

I have to give a shout out to my mom who is my inspiration. She has been a quilter for over 30 years and is very talented. Almost four years ago she lost the use of her left side as the result of a stroke. Not only did she have to learn to do everything with one hand, being a lefty she had to train herself to become right-handed. She has shown me courage and determination that I could only hope to possess. Below is the zebra she created in her class just a year ago. I am also including her African mask that she made as part of our project (my flash washed out the photo). She has since finished the project but I only have a photo of what she did while here.
Go Mom, I Love You!

This is the Zebra she did in class

Here is the African Mask